What is Sudden Cardiac Death?

Sudden cardiac death (SCD), also called sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), is a term used to describe a situation in which the heart stops working abruptly and without warning, so no blood can be pumped to the rest of the body.

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What is Sudden Cardiac Death?

Sudden cardiac death (SCD), also called sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), is a term used to describe a situation in which the heart stops working abruptly and without warning, so no blood can be pumped to the rest of the body.

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SCD is NOT a heart attack.

A heart attack occurs when a blockage in a blood vessel interrupts the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the heart, causing heart muscle to die. Sudden cardiac death can occur during a heart attack, but most heart attacks do not result in sudden cardiac death.

Sudden cardiac death occurs when the heart’s electrical system malfunctions, causing the heart’s pumping function to stop. Without the blood being pumped around, the central nervous system ceases to function and the person collapses in a comatose state. The immediate treatment need is to circulate the blood to the different organ systems, including the brain, so long-term damage is avoided or minimized. This is why chest compressions are so vital. The sooner chest compressions are started, the quicker blood flow can be resumed and life preserved.

Each day in the United States, more than 930 lives are lost to SCD.

SCD is the leading cause of natural deaths in the United States, taking more than 335,000 lives each year—more than are lost to lung cancer and breast cancer combined.

Yet, because there are few warning signs or symptoms to identify people at risk, and since SCD is by definition fatal, there are few survivors to spread the word about this devastating killer.

Until SCD hits close to home, most people usually are unaware of its prevalence and the danger that it poses, even to young, seemingly healthy people. It is responsible for more than half of all heart disease deaths in this country. While overall death rates for heart disease are decreasing, those from sudden cardiac death continue to increase.

Risk Factors & Prevention
Image Source: Tennis Channel

The Importance of CPR & AEDs

Death can occur within 10 minutes unless CPR is administered and an emergency shock is delivered to the heart with a defibrillator to restore its normal rhythm.

Survival is directly linked to the amount of time between the onset of sudden cardiac arrest and defibrillation. A victim’s chances of survival are reduced by 7 – 10% with every minute of delay until defibrillation. The ventricular fibrillation (VF) sudden cardiac arrest survival rate is only 2 – 5% if defibrillation is provided more than twelve minutes after collapse.

It is estimated that about 95% of sudden cardiac arrest victims die before reaching the hospital.

Stories of Survival

No one can control when an emergency arises, but our ability to be able to reach for an AED may mean the difference between life and death.

We are not only thankful for the donation, but for the love and attention from the Foundation to train our staff to not simply react, but rather to respond quickly to an emergency that would require an AED. We are truly blessed!

Lynn Cuffari
Principal of Saint Augustine Catholic High School

The first AED was a stepping stone. 

Receiving it at my high school made others aware and we were able to apply to the school for funding to get another one. The Gootter-Jensen Foundation opened the door, increased awareness and made the community receptive and supportive of our need to be prepared.

Juan F. Prieto
Head Athletic Trainer at Amphitheater Public Schools

There’s no question that the UA Sarver Heart Center and the work of the Gootter-Jensen Foundation saved my life.

The work being done by the Foundation and the UA Sarver Heart Center are instrumental to understanding this phenomenon and saving more lives in the future. As a victim of the disease and a recipient of the outstanding care at the Sarver Heart Center, I can truly say the work has paid off. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!

Brian Duffield
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivor

The Gootter-Jensen Foundation has made sudden cardiac death their cause. 

The results of their work and efforts are immeasurable. The impact that they will have will be felt for generations.

Rob Charles
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivor